On Thursday, September 21, Alcorn State University held its first mobile pantry event.
Alcorn State University is located in Claiborne County, which has just over 8,500 residents based on recent census estimates. Claiborne Counties food insecurity rate is 19.2 percent which is 9 percent higher than the country average and 3 percent higher than the states average.
In partnership with the Mississippi Food Network, the university hosted a mobile food pantry. Mobile food pantries make it easy for community members to pick up food from their cars. Throughout the morning, Mississippi Food Network, with the assistance of over 20 volunteers from Alcorn State University, distributed 300 servings of shelf-stable foods, fresh produce, and protein to those in need. These meals include a variety of nutritious items, ensuring that local residents had access to a wholesome meal.
This mobile pantry was the first in a series, with the next one scheduled for October 12th. It’s a part of their ongoing efforts to support the local community.
Special thanks to Alcorn State University and the American Heart Association for helping to make these distributions happen.